Generally, Acrobat works the same for Windowsand Mac OS. Some exceptions are noted throughoutHelp. In addition, be aware of the following differences:
Windows | Mac OS |
Right-click | Control-click |
Alt | Option |
Ctrl+[character] | Command+[character] |
Ctrl-click | Option-click |
Ctrl-drag | Option-drag |
My Computer | [disk name] |
Windows Explorer | Finder |
For step-by-step instructions, see Install Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Mac OS. In case you are prompted to enter user name and password, enter your macOS user name and password. If you do not remember your password, refer the Apple document:. Adobe Reader 8 For Mac free download - Adobe Reader for Windows 8, PDF Reader for Windows 8, Adobe Flash Player, and many more programs.

To open the Preferences dialog box in Mac OS, choose Acrobat Pro DC > Preferences.
Adobe Acrobat For Mac Os 10.13
Items such as bookmarkssometimes appear in nested lists that can be expanded or collapsed.To expand a list in Mac OS, click the right-pointingtriangle to the left of the icon. Click the down-pointing triangleto collapse the list. To expand or collapse all items in a multilevellist, Option-click the triangle.